The Australian Network for Social Network Analysis (ANSNA) aims to build greater coordination and collaboration among social network researchers and practitioners in Australia and overseas, and raise the profile of Australian social network research nationally and internationally. It is the national focal point for SNA in Australia, providing information about resources, connections, training in SNA, conferences, and more. ANSNA is endorsed by the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).

Please contact the following ANSNA Committee Members for any information regarding the SNA community in Australia:

Dr Angela Guerrero (ANSNA 2025 President) is a Senior Research Fellow in the school of Architecture and Built Environment at Queensland University of Technology. Dr. Guerrero’s research draws on social network theory and methods to investigate human networks at various levels of social organisation, incl. peer network, governance networks, global trade networks. Her interest lies on understanding the influence of social networks on decision-making processes and their effect on social and environmental outcomes. Dr. Guerrero also investigates the interactions between humans and nature and the structures that are formed by those interactions that can lead to resilient systems.

Professor Dean Lusher (ANSNA 2025 Vice President) is a Social Network Researcher and Professor of Managament at Swinburne University of Technology. His applied research focuses on social innovation, organisational culture, learning and wellbeing, and network effectiveness. Dean has conducted network research with the AFL, Boeing, CSIRO, Department of Health and Human Services Victoria, Siemens, VicHealth and a variety of schools and community groups. Dean is a co-founder of SNA Toolbox, a Swinburne start-up company focusing on social network data collection, analysis, interpretation and rapid reporting for organisations, schools, professional sporting teams, communities and researchers. Dean is a proud Wamba Wemba man.

2025 ANSNA Board members

Angela Guerrero
Dean Lusher
Pavel Krivitsky
Peng Wang
Bridget McGlynn
Dan Chamberlain

Past Presidents

2024 Pavel Krivitsky
2023 Michele Barnes
2022 Peng Wang
2021 Kirsten Martinus
2020 David Bright
2019 Robert Ackland
2018 Petr Matous
2016-17 Dean Lusher



The Australian Social Network Analysis Conference (ASNAC) is held annually and is the key Australian conference for academics and practitioners interested in SNA. More information in regards to this years conference can be found above in the navigation field.

INSNA Sunbelt

Sunbelt is the premier conference for the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). INSNA are the peak professional body for social network scholars and practitioners. In 2022, Sunbelt was held in Cairns, Australia.


There is no formal membership of ANSNA. However, below is a listing of groups in Australia who specialise in SNA:

Contact us to add your group here.

Mailing list

Join the ANSNA mailing list and be informed of events, conferences, presentations, courses, job vacancies, etc...